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TCDI is set apart from other programs based not only on its desire to provide services with only the upmost respect and support with regards to TCDI Consumers’ stated life goals and work towards independence, but in its philosophy that individuals want to grow and challenge themselves and create a life of individuality and happiness. TCDI recognizes that transition from one aspect of life to a new situation is at once exciting, yet potentially stressful and overwhelming, as well as mysterious and bewildering. TCDI supports its consumers as they face questions, unanswered questions, absence of knowledge and supplied information, myriad choices, and over-protection.
Essentially, the transition to independent life may present itself as un-navigable. TCDI seeks to limit this stress and anxiety often associated with change and growth. TCDI’s highly structured trainings focus primarily on identifying and overcoming barriers faced by consumers transitioning from one milestone to the next. TCDI seeks to mirror and pattern its trainings based on California Department of Education recommendations, as found in, Transition to Adult Living: An Information and Resource Guide:
2. Interpersonal Relationships,
3. Social Competence,
4. Physical Health,
5. Mental Health,
6. Independent Living,
7. Employability Skills,
8. Occupational Awareness,
9. Recreation and Leisure Skills, 10. Consumer Skills,
11. Community Participation