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Transitional Coaching and Development Institute, Inc. is an innovative, community integrative, day program providing highly focused services to individuals living with developmental disabilities engaged in some form of transitional period in life. Individuals enrolled at TCDI are individuals residing in Stanislaus County and receiving services through Valley Mountain Regional Center.
TCDI presents itself as the most forward-looking and progressive day program in the Greater Modesto Area, and continuously seeks to better align itself with the current trends and needs expressed by the regional center system, California Department of Developmental Services, school districts and, most importantly, the consumers, themselves.
ransitional Coaching and Development Institute, Inc. exists for the purpose of educating transitioning consumers living with developmental disabilities. TCDI accomplishes this objective by seeking to inform these consumers and their families of the variety of supports and resources available to assist them in attaining goals related to reaching and maintaining an independent adult life.
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